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Rennes, university city

Rennes is the 10th largest city in France and it has the 6th largest student population. It is only 45 minutes from the coast (Saint-Malo, Mont Saint-Michel) and 1,5 hours from Paris.

Rennes, student city and attractive metropolis

The city of Rennes is very committed to sustainable development and social responsibility

90 minutes from Paris and less than an hour from Saint-Malo and the Bay of Mont-Saint-Michel, Rennes is the capital of one of the most dynamic regions in France. Renowned for its quality of life, the richness of its cultural programming, the diversity of its heritage and the excitement of its student life, Rennes offers an ideal living environment. The commitment of the Rennes metropolis to sustainable development is recognized at the national level. An accessible city on a human scale, Rennes promotes soft, shared and active mobility, which is highly developed throughout the metropolis. Many destinations are accessible without a car, a good way to (re)discover Brittany.

INSA-Rennes is located at the foot of the metro - Beaulieu Université station (on a 17-hectare wooded park), in the heart of the Rennes-Atalante technology park and 10 minutes from the city center.
15,000 students study on this campus, and many companies in the information and communication technology sector are located there.

Some figures

  • + de 400,000 inhabitants (Rennes Métropole)
  • 2nd best French student city
  • 2e au classement des « villes les plus vertes » de France
  • 3rd in the ranking of cities in France where life is good
  • 63,000 students, 5,000 researchers
  • 1 scientific center of international scope
     (Health, Digital, Eco-activities)

More information on Rennes Tourist Office website

INSA Campus

The INSA campus extends over a 17-hectare wooded park, equipped with:


A rich and dynamic community life 

Life on campus is very lively with more than 60 student clubs and associations and numerous cultural and sporting events.
INSA-Rennes supports community life and student initiatives, like Rock’n Solex, the 2nd Rennes music festival and the 1st student music festival in France.