ERDF Projects

The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) aims to strenghtening the economic and social cohesion within the European Union by correcting regional imbalances. In France, the ERDF operates on the following topics : Invest in the Research, Innovative and technological development, improve the competitiveness of the SME, improve the development of the information and communication technologies, sustain the transition to a low-carbon economy.

For more information on European fundings in Brittany and the projects supported >

Plannification contracts between the State and the Region


The PHOTONics in Brittany metaproject, a vector of innovation for a regional zone suitable for an academic-industrial research hub (PHOT-BREIZH) aims to make Brittany a strong position on targeted photonics topics, by supporting the dynamism of this young industry. Some facilities will reinforce existing collaborations (FOTON/OHM) with very large research facilities (ESRF Synchrotron and Institut Laue Langevin). This will lead to high-level scientific publications and a strong visibility on these infrastructures. In addition to publications, collaborative projects (ANR-French National Research Agency , European projects), downstream projects (IUF, ERC, etc.) and prizes, the aim is to establish strong links between academic laboratories, CRTs and industry in a hub with the following outcomes- Structuring of research in Photonics and strengthening of industrial links
- Creation of joint laboratories, increase in collaborative contracts (including CIFRE theses), patents
- Encouragement of the development of start-ups
- Training of engineers in Photonics through work-study programs

PHOT-BREIZH will participate in the efforts of digital transformation, environmental, energetic and ecological transitions, and is a vector of innovation in the fields of environment, health, energy, digital, agri-food, and transportation. Its strength is that it brings together all of Brittany's academic players in close collaboration with the region's very rich industrial fabric.

The development of innovative photonic devices relies on the ability to develop new materials and to master the technological processes inherent in component manufacturing. Today, innovation in photonic devices and their performance increases are closely linked to the use of equipment that facilitates engineering around semiconductor (III-IV-V) and dielectric materials, as well as their shaping to increase their functionality and integration.

The investments made in the PHOT-BREIZH metaproject will directly contribute to the research themes of the OHM team of the FOTON Institute based on the development of innovative photonic devices. This includes the growth and thorough analyses of semiconductor heterostructures, , the advanced analysis of the developed photonic devices as well as the modeling of the properties of the materials and heterostructures and of the photonic devices developed within the OHM team.

The equipment acquired will contribute to the success of services, research and developments around the photonic devices of tomorrow, and will thus reinforce the role of the Institut FOTON laboratory as a leading national and international player in the field of materials for photonics, and particularly in the growth and technology of III-V semiconductors. The equipment acquired within the framework of the CPER is complementary to the acquisition by the Institut FOTON laboratory of a large research facility (Molecular Beam Epitaxy equipment) within the framework of the Equipex NANOFUTUR project.


Laboratory : Institut FOTON

Budget : 1 350 000 euros

Project supervisor: Olivier DURAND

Fundings : MESRI, FEDER, Région Bretagne, Département Ille et Vilaine, Rennes Métropole



Materials and their properties are at the heart of innovation, shaping the new objects that must meet today's societal challenges. In this field, the work carried out in Brittany enjoys strong recognition, backed by a solid Research-Training-Innovation continuum. This project aims to strengthen and develop multidisciplinary research on materials (chemistry, physics, mechanics, civil engineering, electronics and microwave systems), without which the necessary environmental, energy and digital transitions cannot be achieved.

With the Materials for Transitions and Sustainable Development (Mat&Trans) project, the major players in materials research in Brittany are combining their efforts to achieve this common goal by merging their human resources (more than 600 researchers, teacher-researchers, engineers and permanent technicians), their scientific and technical expertise and their resources, which are already unique in the national and international research and innovation landscape.

Mat&Trans is based on the convergence of our scientific themes of excellence and discrimination, supported by major research organizations (CNRS) and regional priorities in the strategic innovation areas of the S3: Industrial Economy for Intelligent Production (thematic levers Materials; Technologies related to industrial production and production technologies; Energy) and Transversal Axis Ecological and Environmental Transitions. Mat&Trans will further increase the attractiveness, influence and impact of Brittany in this key area of research, innovation and development, and training, in line with the objectives of the Breizh Cop. Mat&Trans is fully in line with the strategic approaches to research infrastructures at the national (TGIR) and European (ESFRI) levels, and the equipment requested, which is necessary for the development of scientific projects at the highest international level, is perfectly complementary to that deployed, via strong partnerships, on these infrastructures with ultimate performance.


This multidisciplinary project is structured around two major axes, where societal issues and discriminating research activities are intimately linked:

I- Eco-materials and eco-processes

II- Materials and energy conversion


Laboratory : Laboratoire de Génie Civil et Génie Mécanique (LGCGM)

Budget : 940 000 euros

Fundings : MESRI, FEDER, Région Bretagne, Département Ille et Vilaine, Rennes Métropole




To face these societal challenges, the stated ambition of the CYMOCOD metaproject (Cyber-systems and Cyber-security, Mobility, Connectivity, Data) is to contribute to Research - Training - Innovation (RFI) triptych in the field of digital technologies sciences, by addressing conceptual, theoretical, methodological, technological and metrological issues (i.e. involving design work, modelling, proof of concept demonstrations, and experimental characterizations). At the crossroads of science, technology, uses and societal needs for a sovereign, safe, frugal and sustainable digital society. CYMOCOD is based on 3 pillars: (i) Digital transformation of society, and social transitions, (ii) Environmental and energy transitions, (iii) Health transition. CYMOCOD project relies on 4 internationally recognized core laboratories (INRIA Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique Center, IETR, IRISA, IRMAR). It consists of 49 scientific sub-projects based on 17 research and/or innovative  research and training platforms.

Three of these platforms are more particularly deployed at the IETR on the INSA site: QOSC, DIVA and Objets connectés (connected objects).

The development project of the QOSC platform (Quantification of Complex Objects and Systems) of the IETR has two components. The first concerns the measurement of complex systems in the near field, the second that of the creation of a new anechoic chamber (and associated instrumentation) for the joint analysis of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), radar cross-section (RCS) and cybersecurity.

The IETR's DIVA (Design, Implementation and evaluation of embedded signal, Video and computer vision Applications) platform aims to bring together equipment to carry out research on the design, effective implementation and validation of signal, video and vision processing applications using artificial intelligence techniques.

The IETR “Objets Connectés” platform focuses on the design, implementation and operation of a hardware platform as a support for research in science and technology of the internet of things (IoT) at large. Attached to the national FIT IoT Lab platform, which particularly focuses on network issues, the IETR laboratory offers a multidisciplinary approach to tackle the entire and vast field of the IoT challenges.


Laboratories : Institut d’Electronique et des Technologies du numéRique (IETR)

Budget : 1 625 000 euros

Fundings : MESRI, FEDER, Région Bretagne, Département Ille et Vilaine, Rennes Métropole



The scientific challenge of this project aims to improve the methodologies to perform the security analysis of ubiquitous computing systems, and to provide tools to analyze in practice such systems when they are already deployed.

The Axis 3 of the CPER CYBER SSI project addresses the security analyses of ubiquitous computing systems, namely the computing systems embedded in our everyday life (for examples : the access control in mass transportation and buildings, payment cards, car ignition systems, implantable medical devices, biometric passports, etc. ).

Laboratory: IRISA

Budget: 195 000€

Fundings: FEDER, Région Bretagne, Département de l’Ile et Vilaine, Rennes Métropole / ERDF, The Region of Britanny, the Department and Rennes Metropole



In the frame of CPER STIC&Ondes, IETR is developping its measurement facilities at INSA Rennes. The main investments are devoted to the DIADEM platform that enables electromagnetic diagnostic for radiated fields characterization (whether intended or not). DIADEM has been equipped with a new cylindrical near-field measurement range and a chaotic reverberation chamber. These facilities will now be used, on the one hand, to characterize innovative communicating objects and systems, and on the other hand, to perform advanced studies in the field of ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC), bioelectromagnetism and cybersecurity. COMRAD, INSYS and S-NUM platforms have also been reinforced with new measurement and prototyping facilities for communications and radar.

Laboratory: IETR

Budget: 802 000€

Fundings: ERDF, Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, The Region of Britanny, the Department and Rennes Metropole



The Photonics operation reinforces the photonics as a generic key technology for Brittany. Within this CPER, the MADO project falls within the elaboration of key materials for the development of innovative photonic devices. This operation is based on the INSA group of Institut FOTON skills, specialized in the study of nanostructures based on III-V semiconductor materials (mainly from the InP and GaP/Si technologies) and the development of breakthrough components in the fields of optical communications, optical connections and emerging concepts of Photovoltaics.
The objectives of the MADO operation range from the creation of new light sources (lasers on chip, ultra-fast or highly tunable lasers, etc.), and devices for the optical information processing, up to the demonstration of advanced concepts of photovoltaic cells. The targeted technological applications, including many societal challenges, concern optical high-speed telecommunications, optical connections intra and inter chips, the Internet of Things, the autonomous systems, gas detection, medical diagnosis, terahertz metrology, and the development of high-efficiency PV cells on low-cost substrates.

Laboratory: Institut FOTON

Budget: 760 000€

Fundings: ERDF, Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, The Region of Britanny, the Department and Rennes Metropole



This project consists in strengthening the expertise potential of the GCGM Laboratory in order to be an interface between research units and the social and economic regional actors.

This project focuses on the design and characterization of bio-sourced or eco-designed materials, accompanied by the development of innovative process. The application sectors targeted are mainly construction materials, agro-resources (plant aggregates and fibres), sludge recovery.

This project includes the strengthening of the characterization resources dedicated to the Building, Construction and Civil Engineering activity involved in the eco-valorization sectors.

Laboratory: LGCGM

Budget: 528 000€

Fundings: FEDER, Ministère de l’enseignement supérieur, de la recherche et de l’innovation, Région Bretagne, Rennes Métropole / ERDF, The Region of Britanny and Rennes Metropole






Collaborative innovation at the crossroads of sectors


This Project aims to designing solutions that will address some of the issues facing EHPADs:

  • improve the safety and daily life of residents and staff,
  • improve the quality of life of residents and in particular the fight against isolation by strengthening ties with relatives,
  • strengthen the link between families, residents and the facility and ensure the transmission of information,
  • ensure the traceability of procedures and care,
  • improve the quality of care provided to residents through Telemedicine.

It will also address the needs of EPHAD managers in terms of reporting tools for internal and external audits, and with a view to integrating them into quality processes.

Laboratory: IETR (team VAADER)

Fundings: ERDF, The Region of Britanny and Rennes Metropole

Coordinator: Hoppen Care

Participants: Hoppen Care, INSA Rennes and Zetapush

Principal Investigator for INSA Rennes: Muriel Pressigout

Budget for INSA Rennes: 247 000€ including 160 000€ by external fundings

Duration: 34 months from 09/01/2018



The switch of the industry and in particular the automotive industry to a more flexible and compact production model entails both an organisational and technical challenge, which is key to maintaining the competitiveness of European manufacturing industries. The RAISE project meets this objective of developing, characterizing and marketing technological bricks based on artificial intelligence to enable robotic assembly and inspection operations on moving parts without physical connection with the environment and without a specific trajectory. Automated assembly tools in motion will answer to the precepts of flexibility and compactness of the future industry.

The IETR Vaader team work focuses on new image processing algorithms based on Artificial Intelligence in order to secure work stations where operators and automated systems collaborate. IETR will develop new flexible design tools adapted to the goals of the industry 4.0.  The tools will automate and optimize the design of new algorithms on reconfigurable heterogeneous embedded systems.

Laboratory: IETR (team VAADER)

Fundings: The Region of Britanny

Coordinator: EDIXIA

Participants: EDIXIA, INSA Rennes and PSA Groupe

Principal Investigator for INSA Rennes: Jean-François NEZAN

Budget for INSA Rennes: 281 900€ including 151 300€ by external fundings

Duration: 36 months from 05/04/2019
