Masters in engineering


Masters of Science

The ‘Sciences, Technologies, Health’ research Masters are co-accredited (2022-2028) with the higher education establishments in the Brittany region: CentraleSupélec, IMT Atlantique, Agrocampus Ouest, ENSCR, ENSTA Bretagne, ENI Brest, ENS Rennes, ENSAI, Université de Rennes, Université Rennes 2, Université Bretagne Sud, Université Bretagne Occidentale, EHESP.



Non-French speaking exchange students can combine courses taught in English (or with handout in English) with a project and French language course. All departments can supervise Master projects in their research labs. INSA Rennes offers three possibilities for a full semester:

  • 10 ECTS (1,5 day per week)
  • 15 ECTS (2,5 days per week)
  • 24 ECTS (4 days per week)

Two students can work on the same project, report and defense.

French Summer School

The INSA/ENSAI Summer School is an intensive program of French language and cultural outings.

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French as Foreign Language

INSA Rennes offers all its non French-speaking students training in French as a Foreign Language (FFL)  at a level appropriate to their existing ability (4 ECTS per semester).