Research and technological support for societal transitions

Through its major research themes, INSA Rennes is resolutely turned towards society and actively participates in environmental and societal issues.

We disseminate the results of this research to society:

  • Through partnership research and the valorization of research and research products and results
  • By training engineers, doctors, and continuing education
  • Through the dissemination of scientific knowledge

This scientific positioning is expressed in training and research.


The 3 main areas of research at INSA Rennes

INSA Rennes conducts fundamental and applied research activities in the scientific and technical fields. It contributes to the valorization of the results obtained, the dissemination of scientific and technical information and international cooperation in many fields linked to engineering and technologies.

The research teams at INSA Rennes, by deploying original multidisciplinary approaches, are working to meet the challenges centered on the following three major themes:


Our research laboratories, in partnership with several supervisory authorities including the CNRS for 5 of them

5 Research units


2 Research centres






INSA Rennes publishes its Research Magazine!

Basic research at the service of Sustainable development (N°1)


How technology is revolutionizing healthcare, well-being and quality of life (N°2)


Digital communications and technologies: the challenges facing society (N°3)


Dive into the heart of our laboratories through the portrait of 7 PhD students (N°4)