Health centre services

  • Listening and advice
  • Emergency and ongoing care
  • Assistance to consult a doctor, hospital, social services or a psychologist
  • Blood tests when prescribed by a doctor (appointment required)
  • Information and prevention on public health issues


Psychological support

The psychologist at INSA Rennes is available to students (appointment required) wishing to discuss problems and seeking support (confidentiality is guaranteed). She works as part of a team consisting of the nurse at INSA-Rennes, the SSE (student health service of the University of Rennes), Point Santé (health information service), the Bureau d’Aide Psychologique Universitaire (psychological assistance office) and a social worker. Check the contact box for appointment.


Medical check-up

All non-EU students must have a medical check up to the SSE (Student Health Service of the University of Rennes) on Beaulieu Campus during their first year of studies in France.



The psychologist at INSA Rennes is also responsible for receiving and assisting students with a disability. These students can benefit from educationnal adjustments, adaptation of premises and other specific arrangements.

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Health insurance & French social security

EU students must hold the European health insurance card (EHIC) to access to care in France. This card can be issued by your national health insurance provider.

Registration for French social security is free of charge and mandatory for non EU students. It means your health costs will be partly covered throughout the duration of your studies. Registration must be done upon arrival after enrolment in INSA Rennes. A complementary health insurance ("mutuelle" in French) is also highly recommended. Liability insurance is mandatory for registration at INSA Rennes.