Masters of Science - accreditation 2022-2028

Masters of Science are co-accredited (2022-2028) with the higher education establishments in the Brittany region: CentraleSupélec, IMT Atlantique, Agrocampus Ouest, ENSCR, ENSTA Bretagne, ENI Brest, ENS Rennes, ENSAI, Université de Rennes, Université Rennes 2, Université Bretagne Sud, Université Bretagne Occidentale, EHESP.

INSA Rennes only welcomes M2 students for a duration of 1 year of training (except for the Master Cities and Urban Environments which welcomes students from M1).

For all information on applications, registrations and Master training courses:


10 Masters of Science, with 13 "Master 2" training courses

Chemistry> ‘Solid State and Materials Chemistry’ course
Complex systems engineering>  ‘Micro-technologies, Architecture, Networks and Communication Systems(I-MARS) course
Computer science> ‘Computer science‘ course
Mathematics and applications

> ‘Scientific computing and modeling‘ course
> ‘Fundamental Mathematics‘ course
> ‘Mathematics of Information, cryptography‘ course

Mechanics and Sciences

> ’Mechanics, Materials, Civil Engineering, Mechatronics’ course

Fundamental physics and applications

> ‘Photonics’ course

Water Sciences> ‘Hydrogeology, hydro-biogeochemistry, hydropedology’ course
Digital Science and Sport> Digisport course
Electronics, Electrical Energy and Automation> ‘Signal, Vision, Waves, Smart Systems and Energy‘ course
Cities and Urban Environments

> ‘Innovative Strategies for Urban Areas: Anticipating Transitions (In Situ)‘ course

> ‘Urban Services Engineering Networks: Cities in the Making (ISUR-VED)‘ course


Non-EU students

Depending on your nationality, your country of residence, your secondary school leaving certificate and the level of study you wish to enter, you need to follow a different procedure to apply to a higher education establishment in France. For more information, click here.

Differentiated fees are payable at the start of the academic year, so please check the terms and conditions. Students pay their fees on the day of registration. Students eligible for partial exemption (tax residents in France or students who began their studies before the start of the 2019 academic year in a French establishment without interruption until the start of the 2022 academic year) must provide supporting documents.

Possibility of a double ‘Engineering-Master's Research’ degree

A Master's degree can be taken in parallel with the final year of the INSA engineering course. Non-French-speaking students in the Research Master's programme have the option of taking a course in FLE-French as a Foreign Language.


To continue your studies in a Doctorate

The Research Masters are aimed primarily at students who plan to continue their studies by enrolling in a doctoral school. The course includes theoretical teaching, followed by a minimum 4-month work placement in the research sector (university or industrial); it draws heavily on INSA Rennes' recognised research laboratories.