ECIU challenges : an innovative learning approach

Since 2019, INSA Rennes, along with the INSA Group, has been a member of the European Alliance ECIU University, an initiative supported by the European Commission. ECIU University brings together 12 European higher education institutions. ECIU offers challenges and micro-modules to students which help them acquire new skills, work in European multidisciplinary teams and build their networks with a wide range of stakeholders (industry, local authorities, NGOs and students from all over Europe).

ECIU University partners have placed societal change and the socio-ecological transition at the heart of their mission. Using the challenge-based learning approach, ECIU Universities enable students, teachers and researchers to work together with external stakeholders such as cities, NGOs and businesses to solve real-life challenges and foster change. ECIU also allows teachers and researchers to integrate a European collaboration network. 

ECIU challenges and micromodules: new learning opportunities for students

3rd, 4th and 5th year students are eligible to apply for ECIU learning opportunities for which they can get ECTS credits when the challenge or micro-module has been successfuly completed.

The Challenge Based Learning (CBL) approach provide students with the opportunity to work on concrete issues related to UN Sustainable Development Goal No. 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, in multidisciplinary teams composed of students from ECIU's partner Universities. 

Participating to an ECIU challenge can help students:

  • Develop new skills
  • Gain international experience
  • Collaborate with fellow students, businesses and communities from all over Europe
  • Be a change-maker

Students will also be able to develop cross-cutting skills such as:

  • Multidisciplinarity
  • Interculturality
  • English
  • Team work
  • Entrepreneurship, creativity and innovative spirit
  • Collective intelligence


Challenges are proposed by the 12 Universities of the ECIU University alliance throughout the year, in a hybrid format (combining online and face-to-face sessions). They offer students involved the opportunity to travel across Europe to meet team members.

ECIU University also offer a vast selection of courses called micro-modules. They are aimed to help students deepen their knowledge, gain new skills and challenge ways of thinking.


To learn more about ECIU challenges and micro-modules, please visit:


To learn more about mobility opportunities in the framework of ECIU, please contact the International Office at


Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

This work benefited from State aid managed by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche under the France 2030 program, reference ANR-22-GURE-0005. .