5 Research Units (UMR) with CNRS
- FOTON Institute - Optical Functions for Information Technologies (UMR CNRS 6082)
- IETR - Institut d'Electronique et des Technologies du numéRique (UMR CNRS 6164)
- IRISA - Institute for Research in IT and Random Systems (UMR CNRS 6074)
- IRMAR - Mathematics Research Institute of Rennes (UMR CNRS 6625)
- ISCR - Institute of Chemical Sciences of Rennes (UMR CNRS 6226)
- Metallurgical Chemistry Team
- Solid State Chemistry and Materials Team
2 Research centers
- LGCGM - Laboratory of Civil and Mechanical Engineering (UR 3913)
- LFPC - La Fabrique dePensée Critique
Technological platforms
Civil Engineering and Mechanics platform at INSA Rennes (PFT GCM)
The Civil Engineering and Mechanics Platform plays a role in technology transfer to companies in the mechanical industries, construction and public works sectors.
It offers different services: technical services, expertise, advice, training.
It has 6 technical platforms: Materials, Structures, Mechanics, Multi-material assembly, Eco-construction and Building comfort
IRISA laboratory (INRIA)
IETR laboratory 
- M²ARS platform (Manufacturing Measurement Analysis of Radiating Systems)
IETR laboratory
- PIMA platform (Plateforme Ingénierie Multimodale Aéroportée)
IETR laboratory 
IETR laboratory
- QOSC platform (Complex Systems Oriented Quantification)
IETR laboratory
- DIVA platform (Design Implementation & Validation of image, vision and signal embedded Application)