Prizes and Distinctions 2023-2024

Scientific distinctions

ESORICS Conference 2023: Distinguished Paper Awards

Tristan Claverie, PhD student at l'IRISA (SPICY Team) obtains the Distinguished Paper Awards for the article “Tamarin-based Analysis of Bluetooth Uncovers Two Practical Pairing Confusion Attacks” at the ESORICS 2023 conference - European Symposium on Research in Computer Security

National Guided Optics Days

Antoine Lemoine, PhD student at the Institut FOTON, wins the best poster prize at the National Guided Optics Days (Lyon). His work focuses on the use of innovative materials for photonic integration. In particular, it demonstrates the first production of integrated guides based on zinc sulphide, a wide gap semiconductor material with promising non-linear properties.

IEEE Conference on antenna measurments and applications

Corentin Charlo, PhD student at IETR, wins a Best Paper Award for the article "Comparison of radar cross-section pattern measurement of complex target in reverberation and anechoic chamber" at the IEEE Conference on antenna measurements and applications (Genoa).

Trophies Promoting the Innovation Campus of the University of Rennes

  • Digital Prize – electronics, photonics, AI and cyber

Winners: Justine Bonnot, Daniel Ménard, Olivier Sentieys – INSA Rennes and University of Rennes / Inria (University of Rennes) / Institut de recherche en informatique et systèmes aléatoires (IRISA) / Institut d'électronique et des technologies du numérique (IETR)
Technology transfer: creation of the start-up WeDoLow
After her thesis, and with the support of Daniel Ménard and Olivier Sentieys, Justine Bonnot created, in 2022, the start-up WedoLow, which today has 14 employees. The company offers a software suite for optimizing application source codes for the automotive, space and robotics industries. By reducing the size of the code and increasing its execution speed, the solutions offered allow customers to reduce the energy consumption of their applications, whether embedded or hosted.
> Find the promotion project presented by the winners (in French)

  • Prize for Innovative Energy, Chemistry, Materials and Structures

Winner: Hugues Somja – INSA Rennes / Laboratoire de Génie Civil et Génie Mécanique (LGCGM)
Technology transfer / partnership: from collaboration to collaboration, the LGCGM has forged a close link with Ingenova (R&D subsidiary of the Legendre group) and the SME Cohb Industrie, formalized today by an ANR chair. The latest innovation being developed by the chair, in which Hugues Somja is working, concerns a wood-concrete composite floor, designed to be easily integrated into the construction site and offering increased acoustic and thermal performance. The use of wood is part of the desire to respect the Environmental Regulations (ER) 2020, which requires the complete decarbonization of the sector in 2050.
> Find the promotion project presented by the winner (in French)

Jacky EVEN among the « Highly Cited Researchers 2023 »

Every year, Web-of-Science (© Clarivate Analytics) recognizes the most influential researchers in the world, particularly those who have been most often cited by their peers over the last decade. In 2023, more than 7,100 researchers from 70 countries/regions have been recognized. For the 5th consecutive year, Jacky Even is among the researchers identified as having an exceptional influence in the “interdisciplinarities” category, which is attested by his scientific production with numerous articles which rank among the 1% most cited (by field). scientific and per year), in web of ScienceTM.
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Call for projects « European High-Performance Computing (EuroHPC) Joint Undertaking (JU) »

As part of the « European High-Performance Computing (EuroHPC) Joint Undertaking (JU) » call for projects, Marios Zacharias obtains access for one year to the exaflop LUMI supercomputer based in Finland. Lumi is the most powerful European computer and in the top five globally.
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Spring Meeting European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) 2024

Sreejith Pallikkara Chandrasekharan, PhD Student at the Institut FOTON, received a prize from the Journal of Chemistry C for his poster “Impact of initial surface passivation on wetting properties analysis during III-V/Si epitaxy”. This thesis work, supervised by Charles Cornet and Laurent Pedesseau, is carried out as part of the ANR (National Research Agency) “NUAGES” project, in partnership with IES Montpellier and the C2N – Center for Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies.

“France-Nokia Chair of Excellence in Information and Communication Technologies” scholarship

Maxime Pelcat, lecturer, HDR and head of the ESOS project, is the winner of the “France-Nokia Chair of Excellence in Information and Communication Technologies” 2024 scholarship. Each year, the French Institute of Finland and Nokia Foundation awards this scientific prize to eminent French academics/researchers in order to strengthen international research collaborations between France and Finland.
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Institut Universitaire de France

The results of the 2024 campaign of the Institut Universitaire de France were revealed on Thursday June 6. This year again, a teacher-researcher from INSA Rennes is one of the winners.
Gildas Avoine, cybersecurity professor (IRISA) is appointed member of the Institut universitaire de France under the scientific mediation chair, from October 1, 2024, for a period of 5 years.
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Publication in Science

Jacky Even, Professor at INSA Rennes (Institut FOTON), co-signed with Professor Aditya Mohite(Rice University, USA) a publication on the concept of “lattice matching”, a real basis for assembling perovskite semiconductor materials leading to stable and efficient solar cells. This article, in collaboration with Claudine Katan (ISCR), is on the cover of the prestigious American magazine Science and crowns the work of the joint Rennes team Institut FOTON / Institute of Chemical Sciences of Rennes.
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Student prizes and challenges

Ideas competition SNBPE and CIMBETON

Six 4th year Civil and Urban Engineering students, supervised by Kinda Hannawi, lecturer at INSA Rennes, were rewarded for their idea of ​​an “innovative floating platform” for the habitat of tomorrow as part of the ideas competition dedicated to students in engineering schools and IUT civil engineering, on the 2023 theme proposed for reflection by students: “Living the sea, the challenge of the blue continent”.
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French University Championship

Yassine NIYA, a 4th year student in Electronics and Industrial Computing and a high-level athlete in English boxing, is crowned vice-champion of France.

Competition Lépine

NEOCA, an entrepreneurship project hosted in the SAS creation of INSA Rennes and supported by alumni, won the silver medal at the Compétition Lépine and the Prefecture Prize of the Ile-de-France region and Paris.

Civil Engineering University Meetings

Jules Gombault,  PhD Student CIFRE at LGCGM, receives 1st prize in the video competition of the civil engineering university meetings - RUGC2024 organized in Le Havre by the AUGC - University Association of Civil Engineering, with its BARBE project.

Innovation Campus of the University of Rennes

Chloé Blais, post-PhD student at INSA Rennes in Inorganic Chemistry at ISCR - Chimie du Solide et Matériaux

obtains the “Young Doctor of Value” label from the Innovation Campus of the University of Rennes. This label recognizes its commitment to strengthening socio-economic partnerships, entrepreneurship and stimulating innovation in order to develop the transfer of projects emerging from research laboratories in the service of society.
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2024 Olympic Games

Agathe Guillemot, a 5th year Civil and Urban Engineering student, is qualified for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, in the 1500 meters event.
> Follow her on her social networks

Distinctions for INSA Rennes

Diversity management

INSA Rennes received a Companieros prize, the school of meaning at work: the highly invested School prize. This award recognizes the institute's commitment to diversity with this year, 10 staff and 28 students receiving their Handimanagement and Equality Management labels, with the support of the training sponsors: Orange, Capgemini, SII Group and @talentEgal.

France 2030: RIS3, winner of the AMI Skills and professions of the future

INSA Rennes is the winner of the France 2030 call for expressions of interest (AMI) “Skills and professions of the future” with its RIS3 project (Intelligent, Secure, Sovereign and Sustainable Networks).
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