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IETR (Institut d'Electronique et des Technologies du numéRique) undertakes research in Information and Communication Science and Technology.


Head of IETR local component

Daniel Ménard

Tel 02 23 23 83 38



IETR laboratory director


IETR : UMR CNRS 6164  

This Joint Research Unit is staffed by research teams from INSA Rennes, the University of Rennes, Supélec, the University of Nantes and CNRS.

Areas of research

Antennas and Microwaves

Microwave and millimetric circuits and antennas, electromagnetic modeling, new antenna array structures and electromagnetic compatibility

Communications Systems

Communications systems and the corresponding signal processing technologies (OFDM, MIMO, encoding, UWB, time reversal, multi-user...), fast prototyping.

Radio Propagation

Propagation characterization and modeling, for new communication and localization systems, operating in different frequency bands and different environments.

Imaging and Remote Sensing

Image analysis and definition, representation and compression of 2D / 3D / multiview images and videos, prototyping on parallel and mixed architectures