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Mathematics and Applications master's degree

The ‘Sciences, Technologies, Health’ research Masters are co-accredited (2022-2028) with the higher education establishments in the Brittany region: CentraleSupélec, IMT Atlantique, Agrocampus Ouest, ENSCR, ENSTA Bretagne, ENI Brest, ENS Rennes, ENSAI, Université de Rennes, Université Rennes 2, Université Bretagne Sud, Université Bretagne Occidentale, EHESP.


Head of the Mathematics and Applications master's degree

Aziz Belmiloudi

Mathematics and Applications master's degree / Co-accredited 2022-2028

There are three M2 Mathematics and applications training courses:


Expectations and prerequisites

  • Scientific computing and modeling
    > Solid foundations in one of the 3 axes of the Master (numerical simulation, programming, physical and mathematical modeling)
    > Hold an M1 in mathematics or applied mathematics, or student whose background or background will be considered equivalent, doctors or engineers with a very good level in applied mathematics

  • Fundamental Mathematics
    > Hold an M1 in fundamental mathematics, or students whose background or background will be considered equivalent, doctors or engineers with a very good level in mathematics

  • Information mathematics, cryptography
    > Good knowledge of algebra and number theory from M1; good knowledge of classical cryptography (AES, SHA-3, RSA, DSA) and error correcting codes
    > Hold an M1 in mathematics or maths-info with knowledge of cryptography and programming


Application files

  • Deadline for receipt of files: to be determined

Download the application files by clicking here.

File to be returned signed electronically in a single file in the format (NAME-First name-MA.pdf) to

INSA Rennes does not provide M1 and only receives M2 application files. The admission decision is made after examining the candidate’s file.


Good to know

Co-authorized establishments

> INSA Rennes

> Université de Rennes

> Université Rennes 2

> Univerté Bretagne Occidentale


> ENS Rennes


Associated laboratory

> IRMAR - UMR CNRS 6625 (Institut de recherche mathématique de Rennes)