Computer Science Master's degree / Co-accredited 2022-2028

M2 Computer Science (SIF in French)

The aim of the Master's degree in Computer Science is to give each student an advanced vision of a field of computer science research, focused but sufficiently broad to enable thesis pursuits on a wide range of subjects.

It offers specific courses distributed across the five co-accredited establishments according to their research competencies. The attractive teaching modules selected are both current and promising research topics, and fundamental technological issues, which anchor the program in current public and private research themes. They are therefore likely to evolve over the years.

Each student chooses an ordered list of modules on application. Details of the various modules and the syllabus are available on the Master's website.

Each student's teaching contract will be made up of seven of the twelve modules indicated at the time of application.



Computing skills geared to computer research activities in research laboratories.



  • Sound theoretical grounding in computer science
  • M1 Computer Science level


French language level

  • TCF B2

Diploma required

1st year of a Master's degree in Computer science or equivalent diploma. Enrolment is not automatic: a pedagogical committee, which meets no later than the 1st week of July, decides whether or not to admit you.

Language requirements

To enroll in the 2nd year Master's program in Computer Science (SIF), a good command of English is required, as all course slides are written in English and courses are also given in English in the presence of non-French-speaking students.

We also recommend a TCF B2 level in French. For more information on these tests, please contact the French Embassy in your country or Campus France.

Application form

INSA Rennes does not offer the M1 program, and only receives applications for the M2 program. The admission decision is made after examination of the applicant's file.

If you are accepted

Click here to find out how to register for the 2023-2024 academic year.

  • Dates to remember:
  • Start date: Monday, September 2, 2024, from 10:00 to 12:00, at ISTIC (Guernsey room).

Good to know

Co-accredited institutions

  • INSA Rennes
  • Université de Rennes
  • ENS Rennes
  • CentraleSupélec

Host laboratories