Registration for a Master by Research

Students accepted for a Master in "Sciences, Technologies, Health"

Students accepted for a Master by Research and residing in France receive a registration file which they return by mail (paper copy) by 21 August. Students residing abroad can receive their files by email or collect them in person on arrival.

As soon as you arrive, you should contact the secretary or head of the Master who will give you a registration file if you have not already received one. Registration takes place the 3rd week in September in the Registrar’s office, Office N°5. If you arrive after this date, you should make an appointment with the Registrar.

Documents required for the Master registration file  


  • Copy of your birth certificate (for foreign students : a legally certified translation)
  • 1 identity photograph
  • A copy of your diplomas (a legally certified copy for foreign students)
  • Civil liability insurance covering the entire university year, compulsory for internships in companies

If you have French social security insurance :

>> A photocopy of the paper attestation that accompanied your personal Carte Vitale.


If you are a dependent of a relative or spouse (in France) :

>> A photocopy of the paper attestation that accompanied the Carte Vitale of the relative or spouse on whom you depend.


 If you are a student from abroad (under 28 years old) :

>> You should fill in the student social security registration form on your arrival and provide a copy of your passport, “student” visa and/or student residency permit (carte de séjour étudiante).


If you are a student registered at another establishment or having validated a 4th year of an engineer cycle :

>> A certificate of school attendance and an attestation validating your 4th year in the engineer cycle


NB : student engineers who have registered for a 5th year at INSA Rennes are not required to provide copies of their diplomas or birth certificates.