M2 Photonics

This Master’s degree (M2 PHOTONICS) proposes a specialization in Photonics, integrating the basic principles of physics and technologies necessary to comprehend this field.

From Telecommunications to Medical Imagery and Renewable Energies, Photonics plays a major role in the design of components and systems for today and tomorrow. Photonics has been chosen by the European Commission as a key technology in the 21st Century.

Four graduate engineering schools , ENIB (École Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Brest),  ENSSAT Rennes, INSA  Rennes and Télécom Bretagne – and two universities, the Université de Bretagne Occidentale (UBO) and the Université de Rennes I – have joined up to offer advanced training in Optics via this Master in Photonics, simultaneously at Brest, Lannion and Rennes: Optical Telecommunications, Optical Nanotechnology, Photonics for Life and the Environment.

This Master benefits from the expertise of the CNRS laboratories of the jointly approved establishments.

This Master has over 10 years experience in the teaching of Photonics and the use of the latest digital technologies for teaching (training supported by the Digital Campus Plan and the UEB).

Entrance requirements

This training is open to students who have acquired:

  • 1st year Master in Physics, Applied Physics, Science of Materials or Physical Sciences
  • 2nd year in Magistere Physics of Materials
  • 4th year student engineer INSA
  • An equivalent diploma obtained in France or abroad

Level required : sound knowledge of Physics (Optical Physics, Electromagnetism, Signal Processing, Solid-State Physics) and 60 ECTS credits at M1. M1 can be waivered after a 4th year at graduate engineering school (INSA, ENNSAT, ENIB, Télécom Bretagne) or validation of previous experience (VKE – Validation of Knowledge through Experience etc).



Application files for the Photonics Master by Research are to be sent by May 31 2022 to the secretary of the Master degree :

INSA Rennes
Aurore GOUIN - Secrétariat des Masters - Service Recherche
20 avenue des Buttes des Coësmes
CS 70839
35708 Rennes Cedex 7

Or by e-mail to:


NB : There is no M1 at INSA Rennes and thus applications are only received at en M2 level. Decisions on acceptance are made after examination of the candidate's application file end of June).


 * In French

Please note

Jointly approved establishments

  • INSA Rennes
  • Université de Rennes 1
  • École Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Brest (ENIB)
  • Institut Mines-Télécom Atlantique
  • Université de Bretagne Occidentale (UBO)

Host Laboratories

  • I-FOTON-INSA, Institut Fonctions Optiques pour les Technologies de l'information, INSA Rennes (UMR CNRS 6082)
  • I-FOTON-ENSSAT, Lannion (UMR CNRS 6082)
  • Laboratoires de Télécom Bretagne
  • Laboratoire de Spectrométrie et Optique Laser, UBS
  • Laboratoire de Recherche en Électronique Signal, Optronique, Télécommunications (Reso) de Brest

Associated platform

  • Nano-Rennes : nano-rennes.insa-rennes.fr ; plate-forme de technologie de proximité nano-rennes
  • PERFOS : www.perfos.com
  • Persyst : persyst.foton.cnrs.fr ; Platform for Evaluation and Research on optical telecommunication SYSTems
  • PIXEL : pixel.univ-rennes1.fr ; Plate-forme d'Imagerie multi(X)photonique Etendue Large