M2 Microtechnologies, Architecture, Communication Networks and Systems

The M2 I-MARS aims to :

  • Study the cutting edge fields of Microwave Electronics, Architecture and Communication Networks and Systems in depth
  • Give methodological training for careers in Research and Development (team work, project management, autonomy and taking initiatives)
  • Master communication techniques and scientific expression in English (course material in English, bibliographical study, writing articles, oral presentation).

These objectives will be pursued through projects (1 project per semester) and an internship in a Research and Development environment in the fields of new technologies, and Communication Networks and Systems.


Application files for the Research Master I-MARS are to be sent by May 31st 2022 to the secretary of the Master’s degree:

INSA Rennes
Aurore GOUIN - Secrétariat des Masters - Service Recherche

20 avenue des Buttes des Coësmes
CS 70839
35708 Rennes Cedex 7

Or by e-mail to:



NB : There is no M1 at INSA Rennes, however, it receives applications for M1 and M2 for this Master (applications for M1 are transfered to jointly approved establishments, Telecom Bretagne or Université Bretagne Sud). Decisions on acceptance are made after examination of the candidate’s application file (beginning of July).

* In French

Please note

Jointly approved establishments

  • INSA Rennes
  • CentraleSupélec
  • Univerté Bretagne Sub
  • Institut Mines-Télécom Atlantique

Host laboratory

  • UMR CNRS 6164 IETR-Institut d'Electronique et des Technologies du numéRique