M2 Chemistry of Solids and Materials (CSM*) 

The M2-CSM is for students who have solid background knowledge in the chemistry of solids, inorganic chemistry and physical chemistry. It aims to :

  • Train researchers and engineers for the building materials industry,
  • Boost expertize, from the synthesis of new compounds to the development of existing materials, so as to optimize their properties,
  • Build diverse skills in analysis techniques and characterization of materials,
  • Prepare to continue studies by a doctoral thesis in one of the host Master laboratories or major  national and international groups,
  • Facilitate professional insertion at a highly-qualified level.


Entrance requirements

This training is open to students who haved acquired :

  • 1st year Master in Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Science of Materials or Physical Sciences
  • 2nd year in Magistere Chemistry, Physical or Material Chemistry
  • 2nd year in a graduate engineering school in Chemistry or Physical Chemistry
  • 4th year student engineer INSA, SGM speciality
  • An equivalent diploma obtained in France or abroad



Application files for the CSM Master by Research are to be sent by May 31st 2022 to the secretary of the Master degree :

INSA Rennes
Aurore GOUIN - Secrétariat des Masters - Service Recherche
20 avenue des Buttes des Coësmes
CS 70839
35708 Rennes Cedex 7

Or by e-mail to:


NB : There is no M1 at INSA Rennes and thus applications are only received at en M2 level. Decisions on acceptance are made after examination of the candidate's application file end of June).


 * In French

Please note

Jointly approved establisments

  • INSA Rennes
  • Université Rennes 1

Host Laboratory

  • UMR CNRS 6226 Sciences Chimiques de Rennes