Applied Mathematics (MA)
This program provides the future engineering mathematician with necessary backgrounds for using and developing mathematical tools and models, incorporating computer and numerical aspects. In addition to the technical issues in mathematical engineering, the program strengthens teamwork skills through supervised projects and internships.
Training: the main themes
- mathematical modelling;
- decision support;
- risk analysis.
Courses taught
- applied mathematics;
- data science;
- random and statistical modelling;
- optimisation and operations research;
- scientific computing.
The course is punctuated by lectures, tutorials and practical work.
The Applied Mathematics engineering profession
Mathematical engineers combine technical skills (mathematical modelling, data engineering, IT and digital techniques) with operational skills (knowledge of business sectors, legal and managerial skills, etc.).
The benefits of training
dual skills in mathematical modelling and data engineering;
multi-skilled approach to decision support;
wide range of career opportunities;
strong involvement of companies seminar;
involvement of companies (conferences, courses) during the 3 years of the engineering course.
Design office
- full-scale experience of the job of mathematical engineer through a 5-month project supervised by a company.
Research pathway
- an introduction to research careers through a 5-month project supervised by a researcher.
Internships in France and abroad
- 3rd year: optional 2-month internship;
- 4th year: 3-month work placement internship;
- 5th year: 5-month end-of-study internship.
More than 20% open courses
- languages;
- engineering issues;
- economics, law and business studies;
- physical education and sport.
Double degrees
- International: double degree diploma with la Politecnico di Milano (Italia), Ecole Mohammadia d'Ingénieur (Rabat - Morocco) ;
- Data Scientist in partnership with ENSAI;
- Master "Advanced Studies and Research in Finance" with IGR-Institut de Gestion de Rennes;
- Master in Actuarial Science in partnership with EURIA;
- Master in Public Health, with a focus in Clinical Pharmacology, Biostatistics and Epidemiological Modeling in partnership with Université de Rennes;
- Manager Engineer in partnership with 4 schools of management;
- Master in Mathematics and Applications for further study in a doctoral school.
Mathematical engineers are able to handle modeling problems arising in random or deterministic situations and to develop software solutions. They can work in a broad range of industries and services or in research departments of major companies.
- design and technical consultancy engineer;
- risk management engineer;
- logistics engineer;
- data scientist;
- statistical research manager (biostatistics, quantitative marketing, etc.);
- CRM engineer;
- optimisation/scientific computing engineer;
- consultant;
- project or program manager;
- research and development engineer.
Sectors of activity
- insurance, banking, finance;
- consultancy, service;
- defence;
- electronics, networks and telecoms;
- energy;
- environment;
- quantitative marketing;
- health, pharmaceutical industry;
- transport (automotive, rail, aeronautics).
After 5 years of higher education (Master's degree or engineering diploma), you may wish to continue your studies with a view to obtaining a doctorate.