The common core of studies gives all students in the Computer Science department the knowledge they need to master the fundamentals of computer science, as well as software engineering, systems and data processing. Customized pathways allow students to specialize their training through options, introductory modules (each year), group projects and internships.

Scientific teaching

  • Software engineering: algorithms, data structures, object-oriented / functional / declarative programming, design patterns, software testing, human-computer interaction, software modelling (UML, model-driven engineering), web development, mobile development;

  • Systems and networks: operating systems, computer and system architecture, parallelism, cybersecurity;

  • Data and modelling: databases, large-scale distributed data processing, artificial intelligence, complexity;

  • Acquiring knowledge from data: learning, data analysis, statistical methods, stochastic models, numerical matrix analysis, languages, and more;

  • General scientific training: introduction to operational management, mathematics for engineers, algorithms, graphs, logic.

Project-based teaching and active learning

In addition to traditional teaching, the INFO spécialisation pays particular attention to teamwork in the form of group projects included in teaching modules or in the form of annual projects (3rd and 4th years).

Most projects are carried out in collaboration with private companies or research laboratories. The aim is to train students in engineering work on a large-scale technical project. During these projects, the design and development of a prototype are supervised by the application of software engineering and project management methods. Students have to face regularly with a variety of teaching models: flipped classrooms, knowledge sharing, creation of content for scientific mediation.

Engineering culture

The courses include teaching in the humanities, economics and social sciences, encouraging an open-minded approach and an engineering culture: risk management, design methodology and project management, behavioral skills, communication techniques, law, economics, management, foreign languages, physical education and sport, social and environmental responsibilities.

Sustainable and responsible engineering

These concepts are dealt with from a scientific and technical angle through examples presented in the lessons, but also in specific modules: introduction to sustainable digital technology, greenIT, design of innovative applications for health, connected objects for personal assistance, etc.

Individualized learning paths

Discovery modules

Each semester, students choose an introductory module based on a variety of themes 
(robotics, health, virtual reality, IoT, numeric optimisation, reproducibility).


Students choose 1 out of 2 options from the 2nd semester of the 3rd year. Each option comprises two teaching modules per semester. The options begin in S6 (2nd semester of 3rd year) and continue throughout the 3 years.



This option introduces the fundamentals of artificial intelligence using both a theoretical and practical approach. The aim of this option is to provide students with a thorough understanding of learning algorithms, particularly those based on deep neural networks and large language models. It aims to give them the skills needed to understand how it is possible to learn models that capture the knowledge present in large volumes of text, images or videos, to recognise shapes, objects or gestures, or to generate text, speech or images... Finally, it deals with the specific features of algorithms that have to manage the huge amounts of data frequently used in this field.


This option covers the fundamentals of computer security and its applications. Topics covered include cryptography, secure programming, network, Internet and cloud security, offensive and defensive aspects and the use of formal security methods. To ensure a wide range of teaching methods, the courses are taught by academic staff, company engineers and government agency members. On completion of this option, students will be able to approach the security of an application in its entirety, i.e. carry out a risk analysis, study the quality of the code and algorithms, assess the relevance of a communication protocol, etc.


INFO engineers from INSA Rennes are particularly sought after on the job market and can work in a wide variety of environments: Digital Services Companies (ESN), software publishers, consultancy firms, start-ups, public or private R&D laboratories, IT departments of large companies or government departments.


  • Designer - Developer
  • Architect (software, databases)
  • Product Owner, DevOps
  • Administrator (system, database, network)
  • Consultant
  • Data scientist
  • IT security manager
  • Researcher (including in-house R&D)


Some sectors of activity:

  • Mobility, multimedia
  • Defence, vital operators
  • Banking, insurance
  • Consulting firms
  • Space
  • Healthcare
  • Food industry


After 5 years of higher education (Master's degree or engineering diploma), you may wish to continue your studies with a view to obtaining a doctorate.