Courses : 4 main subject areas
- Low and high frequency analog electronics (LF and HF)
- Signal, communications and networks
- Digital and IT systems
- Humanities and engineering culture
Progressive specialization is punctuated by courses, tutorials, practical work and projects.
In addition, so that the student can gradually build his professional project and better understand his future profession as an engineer, numerous meetings with the industrial environment are facilitated by the intervention of industrialists from the ICT sector in teaching, during conferences on various subjects, and also through projects and internships.
The multiple projects offered by E&T training contribute to teamwork, the development of a spirit of initiative and critical thinking, essential qualities to acquire before practicing any engineering profession. Also, the student has the opportunity to participate in numerous extra-curricular, sporting and cultural activities, and to get involved in the organization of events, in order to promote their personal development and enrich their engineering profile.
Options available in Year 5
- Radio engineering and hyper-frequency
- Digital design
- Network design
Advantages of the course
- Practicals, Technical projects
- Case studies in a real environment
- Work in a design office
After 5 years of higher education (Master's degree or engineering diploma), you may wish to continue your studies with a view to obtaining a doctorate.