State-Region Plan Contracts - CPER in French

INSA Rennes is involved in several State-Region Plan Contracts (CPER in French). These agreements provide funding for major structural projects.

As part of these CPERs, INSA Rennes also benefits from ERDF funding:  

The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) aims to strengthen economic and social cohesion within the European Union by correcting regional imbalances. In France, the ERDF is involved in the following areas: Investing in research, technological development and innovation, improving the competitiveness of SMEs, promoting the development of information and communication technologies, supporting the transition to a low-carbon economy..

find out more about European funding in Brittany and the projects we support

State-Region Plan Contracts - CPER in French

The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) aims to strengthen economic and social cohesion within the European Union by correcting regional imbalances. In France, the ERDF is involved in the following areas: investing in research, innovation and technological development, improving the competitiveness of SMEs, enhancing the development of information and communication technologies, and supporting the transition to a low-carbon economy.

As part of the State-Region plan contracts, the Brittany Region is mobilizing ERDF funds to supplement its financial support for the INSA Rennes projects described below...

For more information on European funding in Brittany and the projects we support,
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  • Photbreizh

PHOTONICS IN BRETAGNE, a vector of innovation for a regional zone conducive to a hub between academic research and industry (PHOT-BREIZH) aims to make Brittany a key player in the field of photonics, by supporting the dynamism of this young industry. Certain facilities will reinforce existing collaborations (FOTON/OHM) with TGIRs (ESRF Synchrotron and Institut Laue Langevin). This will lead to high-level scientific publications and high visibility on these infrastructures. In addition to publications, collaborative projects (ANR, European), downstream projects (IUF, ERC...) and prizes, the aim is to establish strong links between academic laboratories, CRTs and industry in a hub with the following spin-offs:

  • Structuring Photonics research and strengthening industrial links
  • Creation of joint laboratories, increase in collaborative contracts (including CIFRE theses), patents
  • Promoting start-up development
  • Work-study training for Photonics engineers

PHOT-BREIZH will contribute to digital transformation and environmental, energy and ecological transitions, and is a vector of innovation in the fields of environment, health, energy, digital, agri-food and transport. Its strength lies in bringing together all the academic players in Brittany, in close collaboration with the region's rich industrial fabric.

The development of innovative photonic devices relies on the ability to develop new materials and master the technological processes inherent in component manufacturing. Today, innovation in photonic devices and their performance enhancement are intimately linked to the use of equipment that facilitates engineering around semiconductor (III-IV-V) and dielectric materials, as well as their shaping to enhance functionality and integration.

Investments made as part of the PHOT-BREIZH metaproject will contribute directly to the research themes of Institut FOTON's OHM team, based on the development of innovative photonic devices. This includes the growth of semiconductor heterostructures, the fine analysis of the materials and heterostructures developed, the advanced analysis of the photonic devices developed, and the modeling of the properties of the materials and heterostructures as well as the photonic devices developed within the OHM team.

The equipment acquired will be used to carry out services, research and development on the photonic devices of tomorrow, and will consolidate the Institut FOTON's role as a leading national and international player in the field of materials for photonics, and in particular in the growth and technology of III-V semiconductors. The equipment acquired under the CPER is complementary to the acquisition by Institut Foton of a major piece of equipment (MBE epitaxy frame) as part of the Equipex NANOFUTUR project.

Laboratory: Institut FOTON

Budget: 1 350 000 euros

INSA Rennes project manager: Olivier DURAND

Funders: MESRI, FEDER, Région Bretagne, Département Ille et Vilaine, Rennes Métropole



Materials and their properties are at the very heart of innovation, shaping the new objects needed to meet today's societal challenges. In this field, the work carried out in Brittany enjoys a high level of recognition, backed by a solid Research-Training-Innovation continuum. The aim of this project is to strengthen and develop multi-disciplinary research into materials (chemistry, physics, mechanics, civil engineering, electronics and microwave systems), without which the necessary environmental, energy and digital transitions will not be possible. With the Matériaux pour Transitions et Développement Durable (Mat&Trans) project, the major players in materials research in Brittany are combining their efforts to achieve this shared ambition, by pooling their human resources (over 600 permanent researchers, teacher-researchers, engineers and technicians), their scientific and technical expertise and their resources, which are already unique in the national and international research and innovation landscape.

Mat&Trans is based on the convergence of our scientific themes of excellence and discrimination, supported by major research organizations (CNRS) and regional priorities in the strategic innovation areas of the S3: Economy of industry for intelligent production (thematic levers Materials; Technologies related to industrial production and production technologies; Energy) and Transversal Axis Ecological and Environmental Transitions. Mat&Trans will further enhance Brittany's attractiveness, influence and impact in this flagship field, whether in terms of research, innovation and development, or training, and is fully in line with the objectives of the Breizh Cop. Mat&Trans is fully in line with strategic approaches to research infrastructures at both national (TGIR) and European (ESFRI) level, and the equipment required to develop scientific projects to the highest international level is perfectly complementary to that deployed, via strong partnerships, on these ultimate-performance infrastructures.

This multi-disciplinary project is structured around two main areas, in which societal issues and discriminating research activities are intimately linked:

I- Eco-materials and eco-processes

II- Materials and energy conversion


Laboratory: Laboratoire de Génie Civil et Génie Mécanique (LGCGM)

Budget: 940 000 euros

Funders: MESRI, FEDER, Région Bretagne, Département Ille et Vilaine, Rennes Métropole



To meet these societal challenges, the stated ambition of the CYMOCOD metaproject (Cyber-systems and Cyber-security, Mobilities, Connectivities, Data) is to contribute to Research - Training - Innovation (RFI) in the field of digital science and technology, by addressing conceptual, theoretical, methodological, technological and metrological issues (i.e. involving design, modeling, proof-of-concept demonstrations, and experimental characterizations), at the crossroads of science, technology, uses and societal needs for a sovereign, secure and digital society. i.e. involving design, modeling, proof-of-concept demonstrations, and experimental characterization), at the crossroads of science, technology, usage and societal needs for a sovereign, secure, frugal and sustainable digital society. CYMOCOD is based on 3 pillars: (1) Digital transformation of society and social transitions, (2) Environmental and energy transitions, (3) Health transitions. CYMOCOD is supported by 4 core laboratories (Centre INRIA Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique, IETR, IRISA, IRMAR), widely recognized at international level. It comprises 49 scientific sub-projects based on 17 innovative research and/or training platforms.

Three of these platforms in particular are deployed at the IETR on the INSA site: QOSC, OC and DIVA.

The project to upgrade the IETR's QOSC (Quantification of Objects and Complex Systems) platform is twofold. The first concerns near-field measurement of complex systems, while the second involves the creation of a new anechoic chamber (and associated instrumentation) for joint analysis of EMC, RES and cybersecurity.

The IETR's DIVA platform (Design, Implementation and evaluation of embedded signal, Video and computer vision Applications) aims to bring together equipment to carry out research into the design, efficient implementation and validation of signal processing, video and vision applications using artificial intelligence techniques.

The IETR's Connected Objects platform focuses on the design, implementation and operation of a hardware platform to support research in the sciences and technologies of the Internet of Things in the broadest sense. Attached to the national FIT IoT Lab platform, which focuses more on network issues, the IETR laboratory offers a multi-disciplinary approach to the vast field of the Internet of Things.

Laboratory: Institut d’Electronique et des Technologies du numéRique (IETR)

Budget: 1 625 000 euros

Funders: MESRI, FEDER, Région Bretagne, Département Ille et Vilaine, Rennes Métropole


The scientific challenge of this project is to improve protocol analysis methodologies for ubiquitous computing systems, and to provide tools for analyzing the security of such systems when they are already deployed.

Sub-theme 3 of the CPER CYBER SSI concerns methods for analyzing the security of ubiquitous computing systems, i.e. computing embedded in everyday objects (e.g. access control in public transport or buildings, payment cards, electronic car keys, implanted medical devices, electronic passports, etc.).

Laboratory: IRISA

Budget: 195 000€

Funders: FEDER, Région Bretagne, Département de l’Ille et Vilaine, Rennes Métropole

  • Sophie STIC & ONDES

As part of the CPER STIC&Ondes program, IETR is expanding its facilities at the INSA site. The main investments concern the DIADEM platform, dedicated to electromagnetic diagnostics for the characterization of radiated fields (intentional or unintentional). DIADEM is equipped with a new cylindrical near-field measurement bench and a chaotic reverberation chamber. This equipment will enable the characterization of innovative communicating objects and systems, as well as studies in the fields of ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC), bioelectromagnetism and cybersecurity. The COMRAD, INSYS and S-NUM platforms are also strengthening their capacities with new equipment for measurement and prototyping in the communications and radar fields.

Laboratory: IETR

Budget: 802 000€

Funders: FEDER, Ministère de l’enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche, Région Bretagne, Département de l’Ille et Vilaine, Rennes Métropole


The Photonics operation will establish photonics as a key generic technology for Brittany. As part of this CPER, the MADO project focuses on the development of key materials for innovative photonic devices. The project is supported by the OHM team (based at INSA Rennes) of the Institut FOTON, which specializes in the study of nanostructures based on III-V semiconductor materials (mainly InP and GaP/Si) and the development of breakthrough components in the fields of optical communications, optical connections and emerging concepts in photovoltaics.

MADO's objectives range from the creation of new light sources (lasers on a chip, ultrafast or highly tunable lasers, etc.), and devices for optical information processing, to the demonstration of advanced photovoltaic cell concepts. The technological applications targeted, including numerous societal challenges, concern high-speed optical telecommunications, intra- and inter-chip optical connections, the Internet of Things, autonomous systems, gas detection, medical diagnostics, terahertz metrology, and the development of high-efficiency PV cells on low-cost substrates.

Laboratory: Institut FOTON

Budget: 760 000€

Funders: FEDER, Ministère de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche, Région Bretagne, Département de l’Ille et Vilaine, Rennes Métropole


The project consists in strengthening the GCGM Laboratory's expertise potential to serve as an interface between research units and regional economic and social players.

The project focuses on the design and characterization of bio-sourced or eco-designed materials, accompanied by the development of innovative processes. The main sectors of application are construction materials, agro-resources (plant-based aggregates and fibers), and sludge recovery (link envisaged with the Sea cluster).

This project includes the reinforcement of characterization resources dedicated to the Building, Construction and Civil Engineering activity involved in eco-valorization sectors.

Laboratory: LGCGM

Budget: 528 000€

Funders: FEDER, Ministère de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche, Région Bretagne, Rennes Métropole


Collaborative innovation at the intersection


3EMS-2 is part of a global trend towards ever-increasing video consumption, which is having a growing impact on energy consumption.

This collaborative project aims to reduce the energy impact of video services and support the energy transition, by focusing on 3 key areas:

  • Reducing throughput, by implementing the VVC compression standard
  • Optimize distribution, by implementing the DVBNIP distribution standard
  • Controlling energy impact, through the standardization of Green metadata

The project aims to optimize VVC real-time encoding and decoding modules, in terms of energy, perceptual quality and end-user control functionalities. Development of the DVB NIP standard in a satellite environment, and implementation of a laboratory POC. Modeling and evaluation of the energy impact of the various modules of an optimized VVC video distribution chain on 5G and satellite networks. Pursuing green metadata standardization initiatives with application standardization bodies.

These actions are aimed at developing technological building blocks implementing the latest video compression standards, with associated product development.

Laboratory:  IETR VAADER

Funders: FEDER, Région Bretagne et Rennes Métropole

Coordination: INTERDIGITAL


INSA Rennes project manager: Daniel MENARD

INSA Rennes budget: 108 528 € dont 86 028 € de financement

Duration: 16 mois à compter du 01/09/2022



For several years now, we have been observing an aging population, which will become more pronounced over time. EHPADs will be welcoming more and more residents, some of whom will not have full autonomy of movement or standing.

Autonomy of movement is one of the major markers of quality of life and ageing well, and maintaining standing is not only a marker of self-esteem, but also a major factor in limiting functional risks (cardiac, mechanical, skin). Structures will therefore have a major need for technical aids.

To meet these societal challenges, the idea behind the project presented here is to create a range of robots for the autonomous mobility of the elderly, integrating verticalization, safety and navigation functions. The solution could also be deployed in the field of disability.

In order to meet clinical needs as closely as possible, specifications will be drawn up on the basis of user requirements, and will take into account constraints linked to medical device regulations.

Laboratories: IRISA, IETR & LGCGM

Funders: FEDER, Région Bretagne et Rennes Métropole

Coordination: BA HEALTHCARE

Partners: BA HEALTHCARE, CIMTECH, Pôle Saint-Hélier, INSA Rennes

INSA Rennes project manager: Marie BABEL

INSA Rennes budget: 259 520 € dont 134 820 € de financement

Duration: 36 mois à compter du 01/01/2023 au 31/12/2025



The aim of this project is to design solutions that will address a number of issues facing nursing homes:

  • improving safety and daily life for residents and staff;
  • improving residents' quality of life, and in particular combating isolation by strengthening links with loved ones;
  • strengthen the link between families, residents and the establishment, and ensure the transmission of information;
  • ensure traceability of procedures and care;
  • improve the quality of care provided to residents through telemedicine.

It will also meet the needs of EPHAD managers in terms of reporting tools in anticipation of internal and external audits, and with a view to integration into quality processes.

Laboratory: IETR (VAADER team)

Funders: FEDER, Région Bretagne et Rennes Métropole

Coordination: Hoppen Care

Partners: Hoppen Care, INSA Rennes et Zetapush

INSA Rennes project manager: Muriel Pressigout

INSA Rennes budget: 247 000€ dont 160 000€ de financement

Duration: 34 mois à compter du 01/09/2018



The transition of the automotive industry in particular towards a more flexible and compact production model poses both organizational and technical challenges, key to maintaining the competitiveness of European manufacturing industries. The aim of the RAISE project is to develop, characterize and market technological building blocks based on artificial intelligence, enabling robotized assembly and inspection operations to be carried out on moving parts with no physical link to the environment and no predetermined trajectory. Automated assembly on the catwalk will make it possible to meet the precepts of flexibility and compactness of the factory of the future.

The IETR's Vaader team is working on new image processing algorithms based on Artificial Intelligence to secure workstations where operators and automated systems collaborate. The IETR will develop a flexible design method adapted to the objectives of the industry of the future. The aim is to automate and optimize the porting of new algorithms to heterogeneous, reconfigurable embedded systems.  


Laboratory: IETR (VAADER team)

Funders: Région Bretagne

Coordination: EDIXIA

Partners: EDIXIA, INSA Rennes et PSA Groupe

INSA Rennes project manager: Jean-François NEZAN

INSA Rennes budget: 281 900€ dont 151 300€ de financement

Duration: 36 mois à compter du 05/04/2019