Laboratories of Excellence

As part of the French government's investment program for the future (P.I.A. in French), the French government supports LabExs, which bring together research teams with international visibility, who have chosen to join forces to develop ambitious scientific projects, compete on an equal footing with their foreign counterparts, build an integrated policy of research, training and commercialization, and welcome top-level students and researchers.

As an unconditional supporter of research excellence, INSA Rennes research staff are committed to the CominLabs Labex, which brings together 9 laboratories of excellence (including IETR, IRISA and Institut FOTON) around current research themes. INSA Rennes professors and researchers, together with the program's partners, carry out networked, multi-disciplinary research, with a strong international dimension, in order to contribute to the major challenges of the digital age.

INSA Rennes lecturers assigned to the IRMAR laboratory are also fully involved in research activities in the service of society, through the school's association with the Henri Lebesgue Centre.