The Priority Research Equipment Programs are divided into 2 programs:
- PEPR programs, based on national acceleration strategies
- exploratory PEPRs (selected through a call for programs)
The PEPRs for which INSA Rennes is a stakeholder correspond to the PEPRs backed by the PEPRs of the National Strategies.
Model, Deploy, Orchestrate and Optimize cloud applications and infrastructures
New infrastructures, such as Edge Computing or the Cloud-EdgeIoT computational continuum, make cloud issues even more complex, as they add new issues related to resource diversity and heterogeneity (from small sensor to data center/HPC, from low-power to core networks), geographic distribution, as well as increased dynamicity and safety requirements, all under energy consumption and regulatory constraints.
To exploit new infrastructures efficiently, we propose a strategy based on a significant abstraction of the application structure description, in order to further automate application and infrastructure management. In this way, it will be possible to globally optimize the resources used with regard to multi-criteria objectives (price, deadline, performance, energy, etc.) on both the user side (applications) and the supplier side (infrastructures). This abstraction also includes the challenges of abstracting application reconfiguration and automatically adapting resource usage.
The Taranis project addresses this issue via four scientific work packages, each focusing on a different phase of the application lifecycle: application and infrastructure description models, deployment and reconfiguration, orchestration and optimization.
The first “Modeling” work package tackles the complexity of Cloud-Edge application and infrastructure models: formal verification and optimization of these models, multi-layer variability, the relationship between model expressiveness and efficient solution computation, lock-ins of proprietary models and heterogeneity of Cloud-Edge application and infrastructure modeling languages.
The second work package, “Deployment and Reconfiguration”, studies deployment and reconfiguration issues in order to reduce complexity and increase support for provisioning and configuration languages, while improving certification and concurrency of operations. The lot aims to reduce the complexity of the bootstrapping problem on geodistributed and heterogeneous resources.
The third work package, “Orchestration of services and resources”, aims to extend orchestrators for the Cloud-Edge-IoT continuum, while making them more autonomous with regard to dynamic, functional and/or non-functional requirements, in particular in relation to the network partitioning problem specific to Cloud-Edge-IoT infrastructures.
Finally, the fourth “Optimization” work package aims to revisit the optimization problems associated with using Cloud-Edge-IoT infrastructures and running an application when a large number of decision variables have to be taken into account jointly. It also aims to make optimization techniques aware of the Cloud-Edge-IoT continuum, heterogeneous distributed platforms and the wide range of application configurations involved.
PEPR category: CLOUD
Coordination: INRIA
Laboratory: IRISA
INSA Rennes project manager: Nikos Parlavantzas
Robust, cost-effective and autonomous photo-electrochemical cells with III-V thin films on Si for realistic hydrogen production
The NAUTILUS project aims to develop a robust, autonomous, high-efficiency photo-electrochemical cell using direct-gap III-V thin films deposited on silicon substrates.
In the context of global warming, the direct conversion of solar energy into hydrogen fuel, which can be stored, transported and reused on demand by dissociating water, has attracted a great deal of attention in recent years. From an environmental point of view, this solution, which is close to ideal, combines the advantages of renewable solar energy production with zero CO2 emissions.
In addition to the many ways of producing H2, solar-fuel conversion is therefore a very promising sustainable option. It can be estimated that such a solution will only become profitable if the cost of producing hydrogen (LPC) is sufficiently low, which is generally not the case with current solutions developed for solar-hydrogen conversion. The LPC is mainly governed by (i) the efficiency of the system (generally referred to as ‘Solar-to-Hydrogen’ (STH) efficiency), and (ii) the complexity of the system (production costs, processes, materials used, etc.). Thus, within the PEPR framework, the NAUTILUS project proposes a solution for developing a photoelectrochemical (PEC) cell technology combining the low cost and technological maturity of Si and the high efficiencies achievable with III-V semiconductors, which could be implemented in the national industrial framework for practical solar hydrogen production applications. The general objective of the project, which is being led by a French consortium, is to demonstrate a robust (long life), autonomous (operating without applied voltage) PEC cell with high efficiency (STH >10%) based on direct-gap III-V thin films deposited on Si (a low-cost substrate).
PEPR category: Hydrogène
Coordination: INSA Rennes
Laboratory: Institut FOTON
INSA Rennes project manager: Charles CORNET
Opto-RF for electRonic/optical cOnvergence
Electronic/optical convergence, a field more commonly known as Opto-RF, is largely based on photonic components whose performance, particularly in terms of intensity and phase noise, is extremely high compared with optical telecommunications components. This field, which initially met defence needs, now covers civilian and even consumer applications, such as the development of 6G and beyond, coherent telecommunications, atomic clocks, geo-positioning and, more generally, high-frequency electronics. It also provides capacitance technologies for the digital and quantum revolutions. The on-chip integration of Opto-RF components, and even functions, while preserving their performance, is a major challenge for the digital transformation of the 21st century. The three technological barriers addressed by this project are (i) photonic sources dedicated to 1.5 µm spectral emission, with the development of a III-V nanotechnology chain for advanced V(E)CSEL components on InP, (ii) highly integrated modulators, with the development of a III-V nanotechnology chain on Silicon, and (iii) ultra-integrated optoelectronic oscillators, which could benefit from developments in the first two areas. Through its academic laboratories, France has state-of-the-art know-how that is only waiting to be expressed through a federating project backed by a common roadmap.
PEPR category: Electronics
Coordination: Université de Rennes
Laboratory: Institut FOTON
INSA Rennes project manager: Cyril PARANTHOEN
RENATECH / RENATECH+ network equipment
The RENATECH network aims to (I) improve the quality of micro- and nanofabrication technologies, by acquiring internationally competitive equipment and know-how, (II) offer a micro- and nanofabrication service to the entire community of scientific and industrial users (III) implement a nationally coordinated equipment acquisition strategy (IV) promote and democratise the use of micro- and nanofabrication technologies.
PEPR category: Electronics
Coordination: CNRS
Laboratory: Institut FOTON
INSA Rennes project manager: Christophe LEVALLOIS
Innovative tandem architectures
The objective of the IOTA project is to develop new solutions for low-cost, high-efficiency tandem solar cells. The project will focus on thin-film/silicon solar cells in order to take advantage of industrially mature silicon technology for the bottom cell, and to explore several options for the top cell by taking advantage of technologies already available in the community. The aim is to propose breakthrough solutions for tandem solar cells in order to achieve conversion efficiencies of >30% using low-cost processes that can be industrialised.
To achieve this ambitious goal, cross-disciplinary technological building blocks will be developed (photon management, material deposition, interface layers, integration processes). WP1 is dedicated to the development of interface materials on rough Si surfaces. WP2 is dedicated to the development of processes for depositing perovskite on rough surfaces. WP3 is dedicated to the development of breakthrough processes for nanostructuring and localized deposition. In WP4, the simulation of tandem solar cells will support these developments, which will be integrated in three different architectures.
The IOTA project will accelerate the integration of low-cost thin-film solar cells on silicon, reconciling a reduction in the use of critical materials with the ability to transfer these low-TRL technologies to industrializable processes (TRL3-TRL4).
PEPR category: TASE (Advanced energy systems technologies)
Coordination: CNRS
Project manager: CNRS
Laboratory: Institut FOTON
INSA Rennes project manager: Olivier DURAND
Multimodal approach: IN-situ, Operando and ex-siTu characterizations and simulAtions for new reliable photovoltaic cEllula generAtions
New solar cell technologies must be able to rely on diagnostics and reliability studies in order to achieve industrialization. While monitoring the performance of cells or modules under real outdoor conditions is obviously relevant, it unfortunately has to be carried out over long periods. This makes it essential to develop methodologies and tools for accelerating degradation, identifying it at an early stage and assessing its kinetics. The aim is then to understand the mechanisms involved, with a view to eliminating degradation by suggesting modifications to technological processes at various levels: materials constitution or structure, interface engineering, cell design.
In response to this challenge and to the objectives of the call, MINOTAURE brings together a vast array of complementary skills and expertise, both in characterization and modeling of various kinds, in a global and coherent response approach.
We propose a complete set of characterizations for the analysis of chemical, physicochemical, structural and mechanical, optical and optoelectronic, and electrical properties. These will be deployed on basic cell bricks, or complete cells, manufactured within the consortium, or originating from the PEPR IOTA project.
Our parallel efforts will focus on:
- development of accelerated ageing methods based on constraints imposed by temperature, illumination, environment (humidity may vary, and encomposition by the introduction of gases or pollutants), and in-situ measurements;
- the deployment of operando measurements, i.e. under conditions representative of the operation of the object under study, notably through the application of polarization or illumination and the passage of electric current;
- the development of ex-situ measurements.
Accelerated aging will be monitored in-situ by complementary measurements: current, voltage, impedance spectroscopy, internal quantum efficiency, luminescence spectroscopy in continuous or modulated mode, Raman spectrometry. We will be coupling several of these measurements on the same bench to ensure simultaneous monitoring. Operandos measurements will be carried out using photoemission spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. Photoemission spectroscopy is particularly well suited to the study of complex systems, as it can provide information on chemical compositions and environments, as well as on the physics of the devices (e.g. band alignment), while X-ray diffraction can reveal structural and mechanical modifications. In ex-situ measurements, we will seek to couple the results of complementary characterizations and perform a correlative analysis. We will also be deploying specific tools to analyze degradation of tandem cells, in particular in connection with the IOTA project to develop innovative thin-film tandem cells on silicon.
The consortium also brings together modeling experts at various levels: ab initio calculations at atomic scale, finite element simulations at macroscopic scale, data analysis using various tools including artificial intelligence tools. This modeling center will naturally complement the experimental block, enabling in-depth, reliable analysis of characterization results.
This coherent grouping will enable us to carry out a quantitative analysis of degradation mechanisms, transient chemistry in materials and at interfaces, and the impact of the developments highlighted on optoelectronic and electrical properties, and hence on the operation of photovoltaic cells.
PEPR category: TASE (Advanced energy systems technologies)
Coordination: Centrale Supélec
Laboratory: Institut FOTON
INSA Rennes project manager: Olivier DURAND
Massive, energy-efficient cell-free MIMO networks for sub-7GHz frequencies
At the dawn of 6G wireless networks, a number of challenges need to be met. Very high data rates are required to serve a very large number of wireless devices offering different services (such as holographic communications and the Internet of Things). Low-latency, ultra-reliable communications are also important. In addition, there is a growing demand for green communications to limit the ecological impact of mobile radio networks. Consequently, high energy efficiency is also of crucial importance at a time when communications are set to account for 3 and up to 14% of global CO2 emissions by 2040.
In this dynamic and complex network ecosystem, revolutionary technologies are essential to effectively meet the diverse requirements imposed by technical, environmental and societal concerns. To this end, the researchers took an in-depth look at three factors enabling efficient and greener communications: (i) distributed antenna systems, also known as cell-free networks, (ii) reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RIS) and (iii) signal processing solutions assisted by artificial intelligence (AI).
CF-mMIMO technology, which guarantees a gain in macro-diversity and delivers uniformly good SE over the coverage area, avoids inter-cell interference, a limiting factor in today's cellular networks. This represents a considerable paradigm shift, overcoming the limitations of existing networks and meeting the challenges of future generations of wireless communications (B5G and 6G).
RIS-assisted CF-mMIMO can be a very promising solution, even for low-frequency bands, to improve link quality for better spectral efficiency. On the other hand, AI tools are capable of building efficient solutions based on signal processing, overcoming the problems associated with high complexity and latency. Nevertheless, CF-mMIMO has been evaluated by theoretical assumptions and models, in the existing literature. Therefore, it is relevant and timely to evaluate the performance of this technology through realistic propagation models and by taking into account the hardware imperfections associated with practical realizations.
To this end, the NF-PERSEUS project (PEPR-5G PC3) aims to increase the maturity of these techniques in order to achieve power- and spectrum-efficient mass access in scalable sub-7GHz B5G networks. More specifically, NF-PERSEUS aims to propose robust PHY and MAC layers based on signal propagation measurements and the incorporation of hardware degradation models. Efficient resource allocation should be targeted through user clustering, antenna selection/collaboration and non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA).
Interference management is essential to the success of these applications. This requires the use of physical layer techniques such as multiple access waveforms. These improve robustness to channel degradation and fine synchronization, while reducing multi-user interference thanks to different counts, necessary to meet heterogeneous QoS requirements. Other key techniques include MIMO precoding, reliable channel estimation/equalization, and link quality improvement by exploiting RIS codes and advanced error-correcting codes. These techniques need to be based on realistic propagation and hardware impairment (HWI) models, to lead to practical solutions.
Finally, such stringent requirements make it essential to minimize the impact of future hardware implementations on the expected gains of the proposed solutions. Consequently, the study of efficient power amplifier architectures and the feasibility and performance of advanced antenna structures such as reconfigurable MIMO arrays, miniature antennas and RIS panels, will also be addressed.
PEPR category: 5G
Coordination: CEA
Laboratory: IETR
INSA Rennes project manager: Matthieu CRUSSIERE
Artificial intelligence and new technologies to evaluate relevant welfare indicators for animals facing the challenges of agro-ecological transition
Improving animal welfare (AWW) is a key element in the sustainability of animal production systems. The agroecological transition (AE) of these systems will have major impacts on BEA, with expected positive effects (increased space allocated to animals, more freedom to express their natural behaviors), but also specific vulnerabilities (less optimized and more diversified diets, fluctuating environment, emergence of pathogens).
More variable environmental conditions due to the consequences of global warming will also have more marked effects on BEA in livestock systems adopting AE principles (since they are less optimized and more sensitive to hazards). To promote an AE transition in livestock production systems that guarantees BEA, it is essential to develop new BEA assessment and decision-making tools. Strategies for improving BEA depend on a precise understanding and assessment of the physiological and behavioral dimensions of BEA, as well as on each animal's perception of its environment. The WAIT4 project will exploit the new opportunities offered by digital technologies to measure the various components of BEA in real time, and will implement new artificial intelligence approaches to integrate the large volumes of heterogeneous data collected thanks to this equipment.
These include:
- test and develop equipment and sensors to assess animal behavior, physiological constants and emotions;
- develop artificial intelligence algorithms to integrate these data, which are heterogeneous in nature and temporality, and to extract relevant indicators (proxies) from the BEA;
- monitor variations in these proxies in real time in different species (pigs, small and large ruminants) reared indoors or outdoors, in conventional (pasture) or alternative (organic) systems, and in contrasting environmental contexts (tropical or metropolitan climatic hazards);
- identify warning signals (early deviations) of BEA and health changes;
- develop a dialogue aimed at acculturation between scientists with different skills (from ethology to data science) and with stakeholders, to facilitate appropriation and dissemination of results.
The WAIT4 project therefore aims to go beyond traditional approaches to the study of BEA by adopting a holistic approach to better take into account the different components of BEA and their interactions in a context of AE transition of livestock systems under the constraint of climate change. It also aims not only to detect malaise in order to prevent its occurrence in AE systems, but also to characterize BEA in order to identify AE practices that can promote it. Skills in electrochemistry, physiology, ethology, precision agriculture, data science and data mining are being mobilized in a consortium of French research and teaching institutes (INRAE, CEA, INRIA/Univ Rennes 1, INSA), a living lab (LIT Ouesterel) and a TPE (AIHERD).
The WAIT4 project will generate new knowledge and develop proxies to better measure the BEA for each animal within its group, for periods ranging from a few days to a few months, but also up to the effects of the seasons in an AE perspective. It will lead to the design of tools aimed at improving BEA. In particular, the results will be used to suggest breeding practices (individual or group), refine BEA evaluation grids, and help define selection schemes to accelerate the AE transition.
PEPR category: Agroecology & Digital
Coordination: INRAE
Laboratory: IRISA
INSA Rennes project manager: Peggy CELLIER
Protocol and e-voting security
The SVP project plans to develop new functionalities in existing tools to enable the analysis of increasingly complex protocols; to build bridges between the various existing proof techniques and associated tools in order to capitalize on the strengths of each of them; and finally to validate the techniques and tools developed as part of this project on protocols already widely deployed, as well as on more recent, fast-growing applications such as Internet voting.
The issues raised will involve verifying properties such as anonymity and non-traceability, or taking into account the probabilistic aspects that can be found in certain protocols.
PEPR category: Cybersecurity
Coordination : CNRS
Laboratoire : IRISA
INSA Rennes project manager: Barbara FILA
Efficient and secure data storage and processing on cloud-based infrastructures
The strong development of cloud computing since its emergence in 2007, and its massive adoption for storing unprecedented volumes of data in a growing number of fields, has brought some major technological challenges to the fore.
In this project, we will address several of these challenges, organized into three axes.
The first area concerns the exploitation of emerging technologies for high-performance storage on cloud infrastructures. We will address this challenge through NVRAM-based distributed high-performance storage solutions, as close as possible to where data is produced and consumed (disaggregation principle), and develop strategies to optimize the trade-off between data consistency and access performance.
The second concerns the efficient storage and processing of data on hybrid, heterogeneous infrastructures within the digital edge-cloud-supercomputer continuum. In many fields (autonomous cars, predictive maintenance, intelligent buildings, etc.) we are witnessing the emergence of hybrid workflows combining simulations, analysis of sensor data streams and machine learning. Their execution requires storage resources ranging from the edge to cloud infrastructures, and even to supercomputers, posing challenges for unified data storage and processing.
The third axis is dedicated to confidential storage, linked to the need to store and analyze large volumes of data of strategic interest or of a personal nature.
For all these directions, the project will take into account the need to propose and validate interoperable approaches with potential for transfer to major French or European cloud computing industrial players.
PEPR category: Cloud
Coordination: INRIA
Laboratory: IRISA
INSA Rennes project manager: Alexandru COSTAN
Collaboration Spaces
The scientific challenges addressed by this project stem from a shift in scale along the following three dimensions of collaboration spaces: 1) diversity of users, 2) diversity of interaction devices/modalities, and 3) complexity of datasets, tasks and environments. A fourth challenge is to manage dynamic transitions between collaboration spaces. This challenge requires an integrative approach to the three dimensions of a collaboration space. Indeed, the fundamental research question is to design collaboration spaces that enable seamless and continuous collaboration to unify remote and face-to-face collaborations, tightly coupled collaborations, as well as group collaborations, in subgroups or spontaneous asides.
The expected breakthrough is the definition of mixed collaboration spaces where users have full control, and which offer rich, flexible multi-user experiences.